Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Floor Fountains Offer Beauty and Healthy Benefits

Floor fountains are not only extremely beautiful and sophisticated for almost any indoor environment, but also offer a variety of healthy benefits. Whether you are thinking about placing a Water Gallery floor fountain in a corporate entryway, corporate office, retail shop or even in your home, floor fountains by Water Galley offer plenty of benefits. Here is some more information.

Water Gallery Fountains are Beautiful and Sophisticated
With floor fountains created by Water Gallery, you can enjoy the beauty and sophistication of a fountain created with the highest quality materials. All Water Gallery floor fountains can be designed to fit almost any indoor environment and since there are a variety of materials available, you can rest assured that your fountain will be unique. Some of the most popular materials used to create Water Gallery floor fountains include slate, light weight slate, Italian copper, marble, natural river rock and much, much more.

Water Gallery Fountains Offer Healthy Benefits
Water Gallery floor fountains not only look good, but they also provide healthy benefits as well. For instance, for very dry corporate offices, a Water Gallery floor fountain can help humidify a room’s air. And when a floor fountain humidifies a room, it also removes potentially harmful substances from the air including dust and pollen. In addition to these healthy benefits, floor fountains also help reduce stress with their soothing sounds of falling water.

For more information regarding Water Gallery floor fountains, please visit our main website at the following link: http://www.watergallery.net

indoor fountains, wall fountains, floor fountains