Sunday, June 6, 2010

Where to Place Wall Fountains in Your Home

When choosing to decorate your home with wall fountains, one of the most important issues is choosing where to put them. You want to choose a place that will allow visitors to your home to see the beautiful fountain. You also need to select a spot that offers an accessible electrical outlet in order to plug your fountain up. A flat wall is typically best and depending on the size of your fountain, you will need to ensure that you have plenty of empty space available. Choosing the fountain will depend on your personal preferences as well as the space that you have available.

For instance, a tall or high ceilinged room is best for vertical fountains while rooms with lower ceilings are better for horizontal wall fountains. You also need to consider the depth of the space that you have available. You need to choose a space that offers enough room to hang the fountain yet still allow you and others in your home to have enough room to walk past the fountain without bumping into it. Keep in mind that an average wall fountain will measure around six inches deep. There are a wide variety of fountains from which you can choose. They come in various materials ranging from natural river rock to stainless steel.

Choosing the best fountain for your home will depend highly on where you shop. At Water Gallery you can browse through a variety of fountains and select the one that will best suit your existing home décor. To read more about wall fountains, visit us at